Barcelona pays homage to Nelson Mandela naming square after him
Former South Africa president is seen as a figure in the fight for freedom and democracy

On Tuesday afternoon the Barcelona City Council unveiled the new Nelson Mandela Square dedicated to the former president of South Africa.
The square is located between Passeig de Mollerussa and Tàrrega street, in the Bon Pastor neighborhood which is part of the Sant Andreu district.
The new name for the square was proposed by the entity Centre Euro Àfrica, which were at the inauguration of the plaque together with the district's councilor, Marta Villanueva, and deputy mayor, Albert Batlle.
Some residents of the neighborhood also organized workshops, music performances and food stands related to Nelson Mandela and his figure.

At the event to inaugurate the square, Villanueva talked about Mandela and how he is a 'global leader for the fight for freedom and democracy.'
Historically, the Bon Pastor has been a working-class neighborhood in Barcelona known for its fight against Francoism on various fields such as workers' unions, neighbors' associations and political action.