Barcelona metro operating hours, from 5 am to midnight, will remain in place after May 9
Subway system limited its timetable in March 2020 at the height of the pandemic

Although Spain's state-wide state of alarm — and with it the 10 pm to 6 am curfew — will come to an end on Sunday and a number of Covid-19 restrictions will be eased, night owls and party animals alike will have to wait to experience the thrill of a late-night Barcelona metro ride home.
As announced by the Barcelona area's public transport operator, the Autoritat del Transport Metropolità, on Thursday, the reduced operating hours in place since March 14, 2020, during the first state of alarm, will remain in place.
— Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (@ATMbcn) May 6, 2021
🚆🕚 Es manté l'horari del servei ferroviari de #transportpúblic de l'àrea de Barcelona, de 5 a 24 h.
This means that the subway will run from 5 am to midnight every day of the week, including weekends. In normal, pre-pandemic times, the service runs from 5 am to midnight from Sunday to Thursday, until 2 am on Friday nights, and does not close at all on Saturdays.
When will nightclubs and bars be allowed to reopen? This is yet to be determined, and although interior minister Miquel Sàmper has stated that "nightlife must be regulated and these businesses should reopen," he also stated that this will not happen before "the state of the pandemic allows them to."