Barcelona collects 8 tonnes of food and essentials in one day to aid flood-hit Valencia
Banc dels Aliments sets up donation points in 14 libraries across Catalan capital, open until Friday

Barcelona city council and Banc dels Aliments, Catalonia's main food bank, have collected more than 8 tonnes of food and essential items in just one day to help those affected by the recent floods in Valencia.
The initiative, which was launched on Monday, has set up donation points in 14 libraries across the city, which will be open for donations during regular opening hours from November 4 to Friday, November 8.
"The response from citizens has been incredible," said Ferran Burguillos, manager of the Barcelona library network.
Donated items should be non-perishable and packaged, with a focus on essentials such as milk, canned goods, shelf-stable meals (such as legumes and canned fish), children's food (porridge, powdered milk, canned purées), as well as baby diapers and feminine hygiene products.

The Barcelona food bank is coordinating with the Valencia food bank to manage the distribution of goods to the affected areas.
Apart from these collection points, financial contributions can be made via bank transfer to the Banc dels Aliments in Valencia. The account number is:
ES86 2100 2806 6402 0009 8998
You may also contribute via Bizum using the number 38400 with the memo "donation."
The president of the Banc dels Aliments, Lluís Fatjó-Vilas, has also revealed that "an important part" of the Gran Recapte, the organization's annual food drive, will also be sent to Valencia.
14 libraries
Ciutat Vella District
- Biblioteca Barceloneta - La Fraternitat. Carrer de Felícia Fuster, 8
Eixample District
- Biblioteca Fort Pienc - Ana María Moix. Plaça de Fort Pienc, 4
Sants-Montjuïc District
- Biblioteca Vapor Vell. Passatge del Vapor Vell, 1
Les Corts District
- Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló. Comtes de Bell-lloc, 192
- Biblioteca Les Corts - Miquel Llongueras. Travessera de les Corts, 58
Sarrià – Sant Gervasi District
- Biblioteca Sant Gervasi-Joan Maragall. Carrer de Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, 85
Gràcia District
- Biblioteca Jaume Fuster. Plaça de Lesseps, 20
- Biblioteca Vallcarca i els Penitents-M. Antonieta Cot. Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 65
Horta-Guinardó District
- Biblioteca El Carmel-Juan Marsé. Carrer de la Murtra, 135
- Biblioteca Horta-Can Mariner. Carrer del Vent, 1
Nou Barris District
- Biblioteca Nou Barris-Aurora Díaz Plaja. Plaça Major de Nou Barris, 2
Sant Andreu District
- Biblioteca Bon Pastor-Josefina Castellví. Carrer d'Estadella, 64
- Biblioteca Trinitat Vella-José Barbero. Carrer de Galícia, 16
Sant Martí District
- Biblioteca Camp de l'Arpa-Caterina Albert. Carrer de la Indústria, 295