Barcelona fountains to light up in yellow in solidarity with imprisoned Catalan leaders
Christmas lights were also inaugurated with doves and hearts in honor of terror attack victims

Yellow has been the color of solidarity towards those pro-independence leaders, from civil society and the Catalan government, held in custody pending trial. And this Friday, around twenty fountains in Barcelona – including the iconic ‘Magic’ Montjüic Fountain – will light up in this very hue, in their name, and in support of their families.
This also coincides with the ceremonial lighting of the city’s Christmas lights on Barcelona’s main street, La Rambla, which was led by the mayor of the city, Ada Colau. The decorations were lit to a backdrop of doves and hearts, which, according to Colau, show that “the heart of Barcelona still beats and never stops,” despite the August terror attacks and the situation of “political tension” of the last few months.
Indeed, before being decorated to the tune of peace and love, La Rambla was the location of the tragic August terror attacks. The location was chosen by the City Council in memory of the victims, and also as homage to its retailers and residents.