Barcelona boosts security, cleaning and metro services for La Mercè 2024

City council will also set up six extra 'purple points' to provide support in cases of gender or LGBTQ related violence

Partygoers at Bogatell beach in La Mercè 2021.
Partygoers at Bogatell beach in La Mercè 2021. / Jordi Pujolar
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

September 18, 2024 01:29 PM

September 18, 2024 02:24 PM

Barcelona's biggest street festival, the annual La Mercè, returns this weekend, filling the city with music, art and joy from Friday to Tuesday.

As with any large gathering, the city will step up services to ensure the festivities run smoothly.

Local and Catalan police forces will be boosting security, with 2.250 officers deployed in central areas and key celebration points, especially at night and around the beach concert venues.

The increased security comes after it was revealed on Wednesday that the number of fights in Barcelona has soared by 143% since 2020, rising from 2,100 to 5,106 incidents last year.

Guàrdia Urbana police chief Pedro Velázquez said there was a worrying trend with an increase in the use of knives in these fights and "greater aggressiveness in the streets."

Many of these violent incidents, including those involving knives, are linked to disputes in nightlife areas, which are often associated with drug and alcohol use, as well as theft.

To reduce such incidents during La Mercè, the Guàrdia Urbana has intensified preventive measures, including stop-and-search operations using metal detectors to identify and confiscate weapons.

Six extra 'purple points'

The city council will set up six 'purple points' around the city to provide support in cases of gender or LGTBI related violence.

These points will be located at Bogatell beach and Menéndez Pelayo street, both major concert venues, as well as in Ciutadella park, Avinguda de la Catedral and at the end of the Correfoc 'fire run' route.

These six new points will complement the existing ones in different nightlife areas, such as Front Marítim, Poblenou, Paral·lel and Gràcia/Sarrià-Sant Gervasi.

A 'purple point' in Berga.
A 'purple point' in Berga. / Gemma Aleman

Non-stop metro service

The metro will run non-stop on Friday, Saturday and Monday nights, and until midnight on Sunday.

Train frequency will be increased on all conventional lines, especially during the late night hours, with a 34% increase over regular service, as well as during the early morning hours on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Additional staff will be deployed at key stops near major venues to assist passengers.

For the Piromusical, one of the most popular events of the festivities, on Tuesday at 10 pm, metro service will be reinforced, especially on lines L1 and L3 at Espanya station.

The city council recommends using the metro, as many streets, especially in the city center, will experience mobility disruptions during the festivities.

Line L4 of the Barcelona metro.
Line L4 of the Barcelona metro. / Aina Martí

Increased cleaning efforts

Cleaning services will be significantly increased during the five-day festival, with more than 1,300 workers.

Up to 1,200 additional litter bins will be installed throughout the festival areas, and street sweeping will be increased, especially in neighborhoods hosting nighttime events.

The city's beaches will maintain their regular daytime services and additional public toilets, including 100 cabins, will be available at Bogatell beach, one of the main venues.