Anti-terrorist operation in western Catalan Pyrenees with arrests
Around 30 Spanish Guardia Civil officers raid several homes and cordon off streets in old town

The Spanish Guardia Civil police launched an anti-terrorist operation in El Pont de Suert, in the western Catalan Pyrenees, on Monday evening, as the Catalan News Agency (ACN) confirmed.
Around thirty officers participated in the operation, which began at 7.30pm local time and lasted a few hours.
An unknown number of people were arrested and several streets in the town's old town were cordoned off.

El Pont de Suert's mayor, Jose Antonio Troguet, told Catalunya Ràdio radio station that the operation had been directly ordered from Madrid.
The town, with a population of 2,418, is the capital of the least populated county in Catalonia, Alta Ribagorça.