Hundreds of Barcelona residents demonstrate against America's Cup in popular get-together
Sailing competition held offshore with neighbors claiming affects their day-to-day

Not even the heavy rain of the last week was able to stop the sun from shining on Saturday morning in Barcelona. And many took the opportunity to go to the beach.
But it was all a performance as hundreds of city residents met at Somorrostro beach around 10 am to demonstrate against the America's Cup sailing competition.
Residents organized a popular get-together, aiming to "take over and recover" the space that they feel the America's Cup has taken away from them. They also state that the sailing competition affects their day-to-day and sees prices increase.

"These types of events privatize spaces and kick us out from our neighborhoods," said Clara Tur, one of the spokespersons of the platform against the America's Cup.
"Events like the America's Cup do not actually create space for residents, as they try to market it to us, they actually take space away from us," Albert València, another of the spokesperson of the platform said.
At the beginning of the get-together, police closed a space on the beach, which was closest to the protestors, as it was "unsafe to swim in", according to authorities, despite the rest of the beach having a green flag. However, the protesters later entered that area anyway, and some even swam in that part of the beach.

After that, a human chain took place on the shore with hundreds of residents holding flags and posters that read "No to the America's Cup".
The protest had other lively activities organized, such as some zumba classes and a table prepared for people to bring omelettes to share with everyone.