5G new trend for Catalan businesses at MWC, says official
“Companies offering more software solutions than hardware solutions,” according to secretary of telecommunications in interview with Catalan News

5G is the next phase in mobile network technology, and one of the latest trends on display at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) this year, especially for Catalan companies, according to the secretary of telecommunications.
“5G is becoming one of the new trends in this MWC, also from technological centres and Catalan companies researching it,” said Jordi Puigneró in an interview with Catalan News, who stated that there is a bigger Catalan presence at the congress than ever. “We have more than 100 companies from Catalonia at the MWC in 2018, which is good news for the sector,” he said.
So what are some of the main highlights at for Catalan companies at the MWC? “One of the biggest highlights we’re seeing is that companies are offering software solutions rather than hardware solutions,” Puigneró said. “MWC is no longer a congress for presenting the latest mobile, but rather for presenting the latest, most innovative service that they can offer to citizens,” he explained.
Puigneró doesn’t see how the political situation will affect the congress. “Companies are here to do business,” he stated.
Good news for the economy
MWC is also positive for the Catalan economy. "It’s boosting our tourism sector during this week and druing the month, and also the mobility sector. Digital society has an impact on all issues. For Catalonia, MWC has a big impact on every part of the economy of Catalonia," Puigneró said.
The economic impact of the Mobile World Congress is estimated at €471 million, with 13,000 temporary jobs also created thanks to the annual conference. Since the first Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2006, the congress has generated €4.4 billion euros for the economy as well as 115,000 job posts.
5g Technology
5G technology is highlighted as a vector for the development of the internet of things, intelligent cities and autonomous driving. Recently, the Catalan capital revealed plans to turn the city into a hub for the research and development of the next generation mobile network.
The initiative, 5GBarcelona, will implement an action plan allowing the deployment of the experimental infrastructure, as well as incorporating the involvement of other organizations, companies, and even citizens.