50% capacity limits in restaurants and religious ceremonies in Tortosa, Amposta, and Roquetes
Residents advised to stay home to curb spread of Covid-19

Catalonia's Civil Protection agency announced on Monday that it was putting in place further Covid-19 restrictions in another three Terres de l'Ebre towns: Tortosa, Amposta, and Roquetes. Similar measures are already in place elsewhere.
All three southern Catalonia towns will have to enforce 50% capacity limits in bars, restaurants, and religious ceremonies, while cultural events will be capped at 70%.
In addition to this, children's play areas will be closed in Tortosa, and all cultural and tourist events organized by the council will be suspended too.
Civil Protection's decision to implement enhances measures in these three towns comes following a surge in Covid-19 cases - indeed, at over 1,600, Tortosa has the highest number of confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants in all of Catalonia.
In Terres de l'Ebre as a whole, the outbreak risk currently stands at 457.66 when last week it was 326.77, while at the same time, Catalonia's average as of October 4 is 197.56.
These restrictions will come into effect on Tuesday as soon as they are published in the DOGC, Catalonia's official gazette, and will be in place for at least 15 days.
As in other parts of Catalonia, residents have also been advised to stay home when possible and only leave when absolutely necessary to limit the spread of the virus.