25,000 free Renfe train tickets reserved on first day
Fully subsidized journeys from September 1 to December 31

A total of 25,000 free Renfe train tickets were reserved in Catalonia on Wednesday, the first day they were available.
The Spanish government's fuel-saving measure to encourage the use of public transport will be in effect from September 1 to December 31.
Season tickets for short and medium-distance journeys can be reserved online, through the app, and at ticket machines and counters in stations.
65% of these passes were booked on the website or app, while the remaining 35% were procured in person.
Although tickets are free, passengers will have to pay a €10 deposit for short-distance journeys and a €20 for medium-distances ones that will be returned automatically after December if the pass has been used at least 16 times.
The state-operated company recommends reserving tickets before September 5 as they expect an increase in passengers by then.
To secure a ticket, users must first create a Renfe account on the app or website or head to their nearest Renfe train station with their DNI, NIE or passport as the passes can only be used by one person.