2,500 protest in Barcelona against Antiga Massana eviction

Two arrests and nine police officers injured in evening disturbances 

Police face demonstrators during the protest against the eviction of La Antiga Massana building in Barcelona
Police face demonstrators during the protest against the eviction of La Antiga Massana building in Barcelona / Blanca Blay
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

January 29, 2025 10:53 AM

Thousands of people took to the streets in Barcelona's Raval neighborhood on Tuesday night to protest against the eviction of the Antiga Massana building earlier that day.

Around 2,500 people, according to the city council, took part in the demonstration organized by groups and collectives that had been occupying the building and using the space.

Centenars de persones concentrades a la rambla del Raval de Barcelona en una protesta pel desallotjament de l'antiga Massana, amb una pancarta on es pot llegir 'Contra la dictadura de polítics i empresaris'
'Against the dictatorship of politicians and business people' / Blanca Blay

Organizers claimed 10,000 protesters attended the rally, which began shortly after 7.30 pm on Rambla del Raval.

Two people were arrested and nine police officers were slightly injured in clashes between law enforcement and protesters. 

Els Mossos propinen cops de porra a manifestants a la Rambla
Police use batons against protesters / Blanca Blay

The arrested are accused of throwing stones and burning trash containers.

At the end of the protest, police charged with batons to disperse the participants.

Demonstrators tried to get close to the Antiga Massana building but were unsuccessful due to the heavy police presence, including around 15 police vans.

Agents de la BRIMO a la Rambla després de les càrregues
Police survey the aftermath of the protest / Blanca Blay


Earlier on Tuesday, five people were arrested and 19 police officers were slightly injured in protests following the joint Guàrdia Urbana and Mossos d'Esquadra operation to evict the occupied building.

Protesters claim that around 50 people were injured in the disturbances on Tuesday morning, with "multiple people bruised, head injuries and various fractures."

Police found the old Massana school building empty when they arrived early on Tuesday morning but protesters quickly gathered as word spread amoing the groups that used the building.

Building occupied since 2020

The building, owned by the city council, was vacant at the time of the eviction but has been occupied since 2020 by various collectives and local organizations in the Raval district.

These groups had advocated for the continuation of the space's community uses via a formal agreement with the council.

Former mayor Ada Colau had initiated negotiations with the collectives, who requested the space be formally ceded to them before the 2023 municipal elections, but Colau said that this was not possible due to administrative timelines.

The Socialist-led council voted in after the elections has been in favor of reclaiming the building.

The eviction was criticized by left-wing BComú and praised by the conservative PP and far-right Vox.

In October, in response to a request from BComú, mayor Jaume Collboni emphasized that the city's public buildings, like the Antiga Massana, should have a public use and "be enjoyed by everyone."


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