180k take to Barcelona streets to remember October 1
'Self-determination is a human right' reads the banner leading the protest up to the Catalan parliament

Around 180,000 people, according to official figures, took to the streets in Barcelona on Monday October 1 to remember one year before, when a referendum was held on Catalan independence, and to demand the government implement its results.
Put on by The Platform for October 1, an umbrella organization including various civil society groups, including pro-independence Catalan National Assembly (ANC).
Protesters were called to gather at 6:30pm at the central Plaça Catalunya square, with the route set to go through Barcelona up to the Catalan parliament near the Ciutadella Park.
As well as signs calling for the release of incarcerated Catalan leaders and the pro-independence flag the 'estelada,' a banner reading 'Self-determination is a human right' led the march through Barcelona, which also saw many protesters carrying ballot boxes used one year before.
At the end of the march, and when most people were already leaving, an isolated group tried to break the police cordon and get closer to the Parliament building. Dozens of people shouted 'let's occupy Parliament' and also criticized the Catalan police.