‘Yes’ vote ahead in Catalan referendum, with 67.5% turnout, says poll
62.4% would vote Yes and 37.6% against independence in the referendum planned for October 1

According to a new poll by the official center for opinion statistics (CEO in Catalan), some 62.4% would vote ‘yes’ in the independence referendum set for October 1. With a projected turnout of 67.5% for the vote, the poll says that some 37.6% of those taking part would vote against independence.
The poll also shows that in the hypothetical case of a Catalan parliamentary election, the pro-independence coalition Together for Yes (Junts pel Sí) would win again, with 60 to 63 seats (it currently has 62 seats after the 2015 election), followed by opposition party Ciutadans (C's) with 20 to 22 seats (25 seats in last election). The third strongest party would be the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), which would gain 17 to 20 seats (currently 16), Catalonia Yes We Can (CSQP) would also be one of the winners with 15 to 17 seats (currently 11) and the Catalan People’s Party (PPC) would get 11 to 13 seats (currently 11). However, the anti-capitalist CUP party would lose support, dropping from 10 to between six and eight seats.
As far the Spanish general election is concerned, from Catalonia the Catalan Left Republicans (ERC) would win the election to the Spanish Parliament (Congress) with 12 to 13 representatives gaining between three and four seats, followed by En Comú Podem, which would maintain their seats of between 11 to 12 (currently 12). Meanwhile, the Catalan Socialist Party would improve on its position ahead of PDeCAT with seven to nine seats (currently 7), while PDeCAT would drop from eight seats to six or seven. The Catalan People’s Party would get a similar result to last time with five to six seats (currently 6), and Ciutadans would most likely lose ground with its number of seats falling to between three and five seats (currently 5).
The poll was published on Friday and the results are available online in English in form of an abstract: http://ceo.gencat.cat/ceop/AppJava/pages/home/fitxaEstudi.html?colId=6288&lastTitle=Bar%F2metre+d%27Opini%F3+Pol%EDtica.+2a+onada+2017