Spanish government to cut off funds for Catalonia 'if a single euro' goes to referendum preparation
The Spanish government's spokesman Méndez de Vigo announces weekly expense supervision to track the funds

The measure was announced on Friday after the ministers' council of the Spanish government. The Public Tax Office will be in charge of checking the assignment of the funds of the Catalan government, with the aim of making sure "not one single euro" goes toward the referendum organisation, as Méndez de Vigo put it.
Méndez de Vigo threatened to cut off funds (from the so-called FLA, Liquidity Fund for the Autonomous Communities) in case of disobedience on behalf of the Catalan government. So far this measure has never been applied and would mean a total control over the Budget spending of the Catalan government.
This new regulation will be most likely made official on Saturday. All public servants and heads of finances of the Catalan government will be compelled to send weekly reports for all expenses thus to make sure no public money goes to the organization of the October 1 vote.
Therefore the responsibility will lye in the hands of the public servants. Mendez de Vigo also reminded the public servants that in case of not fufilling the measure, such as not sending the certificates or in case there is proof of misspending, the responsibility would be directly assumed by the public employees, most likely in form of fines.
This is the first direct initiative by the Spanish government without cowering behind the courts. However, Mendez de Vigo said this action was supported by the Constitutional Court against the parts of the Catalan Budget, which are intended to the organization of the referendum.
The spokesman also highlighted that this was a preventive measure in favor of the prosperity and well being of the Catalans”. “We believe that we have to guarantee that the Catalan peoples' money is being spent as they intend: in public service,” he said. He assured that the money would not be spent in an illegal referendum.