Spain’s ruling party says direct rule of Catalonia may be reimposed after election
‘If they backslide, they will face the same answer,’ states People’s Party spokesman

When will the enforcement of Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution –that is, direct rule– in Catalonia come to an end? The measures passed by the Spanish government in the Senate state that once a new Catalan president is appointed after the election, the unprecedented measures will come to an end. Yet, no one rules out that they might go on longer than expected or might be reinstated. This is what a spokesman for Spain’s ruling People’s Party said on Tuesday.
“I am confident that no one intends to backslide after the next election in Catalonia, if they backslide, they will face the same answer,” said spokesman Rafael Hernando. In fact, the spokesman added that if after the December 21 poll the new Catalan government decided to “violate the Constitution or attack the sovereignty of the state,” Article 155 could be triggered again now that it has already been developed.