Spain's acting president says government would strengthen cohesion 'through dialogue and law'
Sánchez sends party members a letter in which he asks them to back a Socialist-Podemos coalition agreement

Pedro Sánchez, Spain's acting president and head of the Socialist party, argues that a future coalition government with Pablo Iglesias' Podemos would strengthen cohesion among Spaniards from all over the country "through dialogue and law."
In a letter Sánchez sent out to party members who must vote on the Socialists' coalition agreement with Podemos on November 23, he claims it is "the only real path forward to avoid deadlock."
Having failed to obtain an absolute majority of 176 congressional seats in Spain's November 10 snap election – the Socialists and Unidas Podemos together only have 155 seats – they will need the backing of smaller formations and the abstention of either Esquerra Republicana or Ciutadans.