Socialists winners in Spain, neck and neck with Esquerra in Catalonia, says exit poll

Far right makes breakthrough with 36-38 seats, with left-wing Spanish parties needing pro-independence parties to govern, according to survey

The Socialists will win Spanish election, according to the exit poll
The Socialists will win Spanish election, according to the exit poll / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

April 28, 2019 08:18 PM

The Socialist party has won the Spanish election, according to an exit poll released at 8pm, as polling stations closed.

The survey gives Spanish president Pedro Sánchez's candidacy 116-121 seats, followed by the People's Party (69-73), Ciudadanos (48-49) and Unidas Podemos (42-45).

The far-right Vox party will make its debut in Spain's Congress with 36-38 seats, says the survey by Catalan public TV and other media.

In Catalonia, Esquerra has come first with 13-14seats, winning the election for the first time since the 1930s. It is neck and neck with the Socialists (12-13).

En Comú Podem (the Catalan allies of Unidas Podemos, 8 seats), Ciutadans (5), Junts per Catalunya (5), and the People's Party (2) follow, says the poll.

Vox also makes a breakthrough in Catalonia with one seat, along with the far-left pro-independence Front Republicà party, which also has one seat.



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