Rodalies commuter train frequency to double by 2024 in western Catalonia
Lleida will see more convoys after deal between Spanish and Catalan governments

The Catalan territory minister, Ester Capella, and the Spanish transport minister, Raquel Sánchez, agreed to double the train frequency of Rodalies trains in Lleida, in western Catalonia, before the end of the year.
This is one of the agreements made by the ministers in a meeting held on Wednesday morning in Madrid.
Capella took the opportunity to criticize the lack of train management but defended that "this is an improvement in the service."
The R12 train line will double its frequencies, adding an extra cost of €2 million, which the Catalan government will pay.
"Until [Spain does not fully transfer the management of Rodalies to Catalonia], whatever Spain can do, we will ask for it," Capella told media outlets during a press conference in the Catalan government delegation in the Spanish capital.
"One of these aspects is the improvement of the service of Rodalies commuter train services in Lleida, and therefore doubling its frequency," she added.
The meeting took place after a letter sent by the Catalan minister to Raquel Sánchez due to the several incidents recorded during summer, 26 incidents in 60 days.