Record voter turnout of 82% in Catalan election
In historic day, number of people casting ballot exceeds 2015 election which had highest participation to date

The count took a lot longer than usual in Catalonia, but after a gruelling election day with with 11 hours of voting, and nearly all the votes counted, it was clear that this election had exceeded the record vote in 2015 by 5 points. Indeed, it was a record turnout, with 82% of the electorate casting their ballot.
By 1pm, 34.6% of the electorate had already turned up to vote, just falling short of the 35.1% turnout at the same time two years ago. By 6pm, turnout had skyrocketed, as a total of 68.3% of the electorate cast their ballot, already exceeding 2015 by five points. Two years ago, the turnout was already the highest ever for a Catalan election. But now, the exceptionality of the day has also been marked by the astonishing mass-participation of the citizens of Catalonia.