Prosecutor urges Supreme Court prosecutors to back amnesty law for Catalan independence figures
Judge suspends European investigation order to Puigdemont on terrorist judicial case

Spain's public prosecutor Álvaro García Ortiz has urged the Supreme Court prosecutors to back the amnesty law in those judicial cases related to the Catalan independence push, such as former vice president Oriol Junqueras and minister Jordi Turull.
The prosecutor general's office has informed that the charges these pro-independence figures were trialed can be now pardoned after the law was approved in Congress and already published in Spain's Official Gazette, after an agreement between the Socialists and pro-independence parties in the Spanish lower chamber.
The text also highlights that the Supreme Court prosecutors confused the 'profit motive' with the 'personal enrichment.' This comes as a response to a letter published last week, where prosecutors considered that 'misuse of public funds' was not part of the amnesty law.

Prosecutors have already said that they are against approving the amnesty law in cases of the misuse of public funds. They consider "unfounded" Spain's prosecutor general comments.
On Tuesday morning, they will meet to continue debating on the topic.
Tsunami Democràtic protest group
The Supreme Court judge investigating the Tsunami Democràtic protest group, Susana Polo, has suspended the European investigation order against former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and Esquerra Republicana MP Ruben Wagensberg on Friday.
On Friday morning, Wagensberg had already said during an interview that the Spanish judiciary had halted their warrants to locate them while they were studying if Puigdemont and himself were eligible to be pardoned.
Additionally, their voluntary testimonies, which could happen via videoconference and were scheduled for next week, are also suspended.