Prosecutor investigates 712 Catalan mayors for collaborating with referendum
Spain’s police to strengthen presence in Catalonia in the run-up to the vote, agents’ vacation leave postponed

On Wednesday, the prosecutor ordered the investigation of the 712 Catalan mayors who have officially supported the Catalan referendum to be held on October 1. Local prosecutors’ offices will now decide whether they call the mayors in for questioning, but the prosecutor ordered that, in the event that they fail to appear on court, the Catalan police will have to arrest them and bring them in. Their top priority is investigating the most populated towns. These 712 mayors comprise around 75% of the 948 mayors who currently hold office in Catalonia. The referendum is planned to be held in 19 days, a tight period for such an investigation.
Spain’s police to amp up presence in Catalonia in the run-up to the vote
In its effort to stop the referendum, Spain not only mobilized its prosecutors offices, but also its police. Sources from the National Police corps said that it will increase the presence of riot control officers and other agents in Catalonia in the days leading up to the vote. Additionally, some agents' vacation periods have been postponed in order that the corps be in full force during the coming weeks. Spain’s Guardia Civil officers association said that the corps is holding back 200 agents in Catalonia that had been destined to other locations.