Pro-independence parties rule out coalition with Socialists
Unofficial Catalan election campaign underway ahead of May 12 vote

The official election campaign might not begin until two weeks before the May 12 vote, but politicians in Catalonia are already in election mode.
Catalan president Pere Aragonès was among those making media appearances on Thursday morning. His priority will be a pro-independence government, he told Rac1 radio station.
The Esquerra Republicana (ERC) candidate said he hoped an agreement with Junts would be possible but reminded listeners that they quit the last coalition government half-way through the term.
On the other hand, Aragonès said it would be "incompatible" to govern with the Socialists – who are in favor of Spanish unity – as they have a different blueprint for Catalonia.
Junts secretary general, Jordi Turull, told Catalunya Ràdio his party wants a "purely pro-independence" government.
Junts would not vote to make the Socialists' candidate, Salvador Illa, president, Turull said, nor would they seek the Socialists' vote for Junts to hold the presidency.
"We will work for a government with a broad pro-independence spectrum," Turull said, adding that it must be "very different" from the last 4 years.
Former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, in exile in Belgium, could stand as Junts' candidate for Catalan president, depending on when exactly the amnesty law is finally approved.
Sources from Junts said it was "obvious" that the Socialists and ERC "coordinated" the election date, holding it as soon as possible to make it less likely that Puigdemont will be able to stand.