Pro-independence demonstration on September 11 to be held in five cities
Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, Lleida, and Tortosa to see simultaneous rallies with motto: 'Let's return to the streets'

The annual massive pro-independence demonstration taking place on September 11, coinciding with the Catalan National Day, will be held in five different cities simultaneously. Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, Lleida, and Tortosa will be the different points of the event.
Aside from the five main demonstrations, organizers will set up different events across the territory with the slogan 'Tornem als carrers,' (Let's return to the streets, in English), as the Catalan News Agency (ACN) first reported on Wednesday. Back in 2016, the demonstration occurred in different cities at the same time: Barcelona, Berga, Lleida, Tarragona, and Salt.
Each city will represent a different claim; for example, in Barcelona, it will be housing; in Tarragona, it will demonstrate infrastructure and the Rodalies commuter train network; in Girona, regarding the health system; in Lleida, it will be on farming policies; and finally, in Tortosa, rally-goers will chant for a better water management and against the territorial unbalance.

Organizers want to appeal to "all those demonstrators who used to rally in the past but are not protesting now because of their disaffection."
"The needed unity of the independence push," Lluís Llach, president of the Catalan National Assembly civil society group, said during a press conference on Thursday. Organizers want support from all sides: from society but also "from politicians and political institutions."
"We will work together, side by side, all while respecting our diversities but without giving up on anything. We want to set an example with our unity, as the independence push unity is also needed," he added.
The president of another large pro-independence civil society group, Òmnium Cultural, Xavier Antich, also urged to "transform the demonstration in a large rally, from diversity to generosity," he said. "Ballots are warning us that there are more and more pro-independence disappointed voters, but everyone must be on the streets," he added.
In Barcelona, demonstrators will walk from the Estació de França train station to the Arc de Triomf on Passeig Sant Joan, where a large party organized by civil society group Òmnium Cultural will be held.

Meanwhile, in Tarragona demonstrators will leave the Palmeres boulevard to reach the 1811 Heroes monument, in Girona they will gather at thee Carrer Jaume I street. In the western city of Lleida, rally-goers will go from the Pagesos square to the Ricard Vinyes square, and in Tortosa there will be a "small demonstration" from the Bimil·lenari square to the Parc de Teodor González.
As usual, all acts will start at 17:14 (5:14 pm), marking the year of the loss of Catalonia against Borbonic forces in the Spanish War of Succession.
Elections or new government
The pro-independence demonstration on September 11 will be held with an uncertain political context.
Political parties are currently negotiating a presidential bid after the May 12 Catalan election won by Socialist candidate Salvador Illa. However, he fell short of an absolute majority and needs the support of other political parties, one of them, could be pro-independence Esquerra Republicana.
But, if no president is named by August 26, a snap election will automatically be called for October.
This would heavily impact the Catalan National Day on September 11, as either there is a left-wing Socialist cabinet for the first time in over a decade, or there would be a new ballot a month later.

One of the main concerns among organizers are the potential chants ERC members could receive if they end up backing a Socialist candidate as the next president.
Back in 2022, members of the party did not attend the demonstration in Barcelona, as they saw it as a confrontation against their policies and negotiations with the Spanish government. Back at the time, many chanted in favor of seeing former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont on the top spot again.