President to face motion of no confidence on October 7
Ciutadans will present their leader Lorena Roldán as replacement, but move is set to fail

The Catalan president, Quim Torra, will face a motion of no confidence on October 7.
The parliament speaker, Roger Torrent, announced the date on Tuesday after the Ciutadans party filed it on Monday.
The unionist party will present their leader, Lorena Roldán, as a replacement for Torra, but her bid will most likely not succeed as the pro-independence parties, who together form a majority in the parliament, have already announced they will vote against the motion.
Quim Torra’s post as Catalan president is, so far, not on the line – the only other party open to supporting the motion is the People’s Party, but both parties’ MPs together fall short of forming a majority.
Even if the other explicitly unionist group in the chamber, the Socialists, agreed on the move, Ciutadans would still need more parties to succeed. All three hold 57 seats, while 68 are needed for a majority.
So far, a Socialist spokesman has called the motion “a gesture,” but did not rule out their support for it.
Meanwhile, the four groups in favor of a referendum have already said ‘no’ to Ciutadans’ proposal, ruling out any chance of it succeeding.
The motion will be discussed and voted on in parliament on Monday, one of the days the verdict of the trial of the jailed political leaders could be released.
It is believed the Supreme Court judges' decision will be made public by October 15, so it is very likely that the date is some day next week.