PP tweets ‘mistake’ video where child asks for Sánchez’s death
The supposedly humorous video was quickly taken down and replaced with an apology

The People’s Party (PP) shared, through its official Twitter page, a supposedly humorous video of a child asking for the death of Spanish president Pedro Sánchez as their epiphany present from the three kings. The video has since been deleted and replaced with an apology.
“Dear Three Kings,” the letter in the video read, “My favorite singer was Amy Winehouse and you took her away. My favorite actor was Robin Williams and you took him away. My favorite comedian was Chiquito de la Calzada and you took him away too. I’m only writing you this letter to tell you that my favorite president is…Pedro Sánchez.”
Sánchez’s socialist party (PSOE) condemned the video and demanded it be taken off the account, which it was one minute later. The People’s Party, on their official Twitter, wrote that it was a “mistake” and assured that they did not intend “to offend nor to wish anyone anything bad.”
PSOE responded ironically in their own tweet that “fortunately, political parties are here for more than wishing the death of the president of the government.” The video was put up some days ago on Youtube and has accumulated close to 9,000 views. At the end, the sentence “May their majesties the Kings of the Orient grant all your wishes (or almost all of them” is included.
Spanish government to bring tweet to prosecution
Since the tweet was sent out the Spanish vice-president Carmen Calvo requested that the minister of justice move the tweet to the prosecutor. According to government sources, the prosecutor will then have to analyze if the tweet constitutes a crime and, if so, to move against the authors as well as those who shared it.