People’s Party appoints new leader in Catalonia
Alejandro Fernández proposes plan “to protect the non-nationalist 53% of citizens” in first speech as PP head

The People’s Party appointed a new leader in Catalonia on Saturday in an extraordinary congress after the party head until now, Xavier García Albiol, announced his intention to give up his seat in parliament and leadership one month ago.
Alejandro Fernández, MP for Tarragona constituency, was elected with 97.1% of the votes.
In his first speech as PP head in Catalonia, Fernández proposed a plan with incentives “to protect the non-nationalist 53% of citizens” in the country.
Financial aid for teachers who want to move out
For instance, he suggested to provide financial aid to those teachers and judges who want to move out of Catalonia.
Fernández claimed that the parties in favor of a Catalan Republic, now in power, have been using “illimited resources” for their supporters.