PDeCAT announces end to political activity
Descendents of former hegemonic Convergència party take swipe at Junts in letter to members

PDeCAT has announced an end to its political activity and dissolution as a party.
Party president David Bonvehí announced the decision in an open letter to party members on Saturday in which he explained that the move was decided "by a large majority" of the party's leadership.
Bonvehí explained that the decision is a result of the state of the party in the current political climate, its trajectory, and the most recent electoral results.
PDeCAT failed to win any representation in the Spanish Congress and in the Catalan parliament in the most recent votes. In May's local election, they picked up a few councilors across the territory.
In his letter, Bonvehí took a swipe at Junts per Catalunya. He reproached the "institutional political leaders linked to the party" for not believing "that PDeCAT was the vehicle of the future" in 2019.
He criticized "an obvious distancing" from the party by some political leaders "by promoting another political project," referring to Junts per Catalunya.
PDeCAT (Partit Demòcrata Europeu Català) was founded in July 2016 as part of the process of refounding the political space left behind after the split of the Convergència with Unió Democràtica de Catalunya, which came after corruption scandals led to the dissolution of the party.
Then-president of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, and his predecessor, Artur Mas, took part in this refounding process that lead to the birth of PDeCAT.
In 2020, Puigdemont and most of the significant figures of the political space broke ties with PDeCAT and founded Junts per Catalunya.