Madrid takes first steps to challenge anti-monarchy motion
Text condemning Spain’s King and urging abolition of the institution he is leading was passed by Catalan Parliament last week

The Spanish government has taken the first steps towards challenging in the Constitutional Court the anti-monarchy motion passed last week in the Catalan parliament.
After announcing the intention to launch the challenge on Tuesday, the final decision was taken on Friday at the Spanish government cabinet meeting, which consisted of requesting a report on the legality of the motion from a senior advisory authority, the Council of State - a compulsory step before the appeal can reach the Constitutional Court.
The government spokeswoman, Isabel Celaá, said that the executive "rejects the fact that the figure of the king is questioned in political debates."
"The government considers that questioning the king is beyond the functions given to regional parliaments," she added, calling the resolution "unacceptable."
The text included condemning King Felipe for the role he played during the height of tension between Spain and Catalonia, including “justifying” the Spanish police violence on October 1. It also demanded the abolition of the Spanish monarchy.
Second time motion challenged by Socialists
This is the second time the new Spanish Socialist Spanish government has taken a Catalan Parliament decision to Spain’s Constitutional Court since coming to power.