Junts votes against Spanish government's budget bill 

Low percentage of execution of past budgets in Catalonia among reasons 

Pro-independence Junts speaker Míriam Nogueres after speaking in the Spanish congress on September 26, 2023 during the conservative Alberto Núñez Feijóo's PM bid, with Spanish acting PM Pedro Sánchez in the background
Pro-independence Junts speaker Míriam Nogueres after speaking in the Spanish congress on September 26, 2023 during the conservative Alberto Núñez Feijóo's PM bid, with Spanish acting PM Pedro Sánchez in the background / Javier Barbancho
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

July 24, 2024 09:47 AM

Pro-independence Junts announced on Tuesday that they would vote against the goals of budget stability that the Spanish government presented on the Congress. These goals are the first step to elaborate the budget bill for 2025.  

"This government does not understand that it does not have a majority in Congress, and therefore it needs other groups' support –like Junts' seven votes- to push initiatives through," Josep Maria Cruset, Junts' member of the Spanish congress told to the press on Tuesday.  

Junts has mentioned that the low percentage of execution of the past budget bill in Catalonia is one of the main reasons to not vote in favor of these budget goals.  

According to Cruset, and the data they have available for the year 2023, "only 45% of what was budgeted for Catalonia was executed." The party thinks that this numbers contrasts with the percentage of budget destined to other autonomous communities like Madrid (212%) or Múrcia (218%).  

"If we look at the total amount, Catalonia is the region that least receives in all of Spain, while the Catalan people are the ones that most contribute to the Spanish budget," Cruset added.  

In the voting that took place late in the evening on Tuesday, the budget stability goals for 2025 to 2027 and the expenditure limit of the 2025 budget bill was rejected in the Spanish Congress with 178 votes against by the People's Party, far-right Vox, and Junts.

Voting of the stability budget goals and the expenditure limit of the 2025 budget
Voting of the stability budget goals and the expenditure limit of the 2025 budget / Agència Catalan de Notícies