Jailed MP Jordi Sànchez to lead new movement 'Crida Nacional'
Former imprisoned activist elected as group president while former Ecosocialist mayor will be secretary general

Jailed MP Jordi Sànchez, a close ally to exiled leader Carles Puigdemont, has been elected as the president of a new pro-independence movement: 'La Crida Nacional'.
In the foundational congress of 'La Crida' in Barcelona, Sánchez was voted as president and former Ecosocialist mayor and current MP Toni Morral was elected as secretary general.
Their list to lead the group was voted by 93.7% of the congress attendees.
'La Crida' is a new political movement that could end up working as a political party promoted by former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, jailed activist Sánchez and current Catalan leader Quim Torra.
The executive committee of 'La Crida' also includes leading figures of the current Catalan government such as Presidency minister and spokeswoman Elsa Artadi or Culture minister Laura Borràs.
The new political actor in an already complex Catalan political scene won't run, for now, in any elections, such as the local votes scheduled for May. However, their members urged pro-independence supporters to unite and described 'La Crida' as a "political instrument" to gather "transversal" support.