Jailed Catalan leader to become father again in September
After 18 months in custody, Òmnium Cultural president Jordi Cuixart announces upcoming birth of his fourth child

He may be on trial for rebellion and facing 17 years in prison should he be convicted, but the president of Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart, had something to lift his spirits this week with the news that he is to become a father again in September.
The upcoming birth of the child Cuixart will have with journalist Txell Bonet will be the couple's second. Their first child is now two but was only six months old when Cuixart was sent to pretrial detention on October 16 2017.
Cuixart, who is also the father of two other children he had with his previous partner, announced the upcoming birth on Twitter, where he insisted that "no prison or repression" will prevent him from building a family.