Government to push for decade-long Rodalies network strategy
President Salvador Illa announces plan during parliamentary session on commuter train disruptions

The Catalan government will implement a decade-long strategy for the Rodalies commuter train network to prepare for the region's future, President Salvador Illa told MPs during a parliamentary session addressing the ongoing disruptions in public transport.
Illa told MPs on Tuesday afternoon that authorities need to "think and design" the network to ensure reliable service in the years ahead.
Regarding the recent disruptions affecting thousands of commuters daily, Illa urged patience and trust in the ongoing construction work and investments, assuring that they will lead to "a positive outcome."
During a 15-minute speech, Illa acknowledged that the Rodalies service "does not work" and that commuters have the right "to raise their voices." He continued by saying, "there is a problem, and we look for answers."
One of the topics during his address was the Rodalies management transfer from Spanish to Catalan authorities after a deal between Esquerra Republicana and the Socialists to back Pedro Sánchez in his attempt to become, once again, Spanish PM.
Socialist leader Illa said that the transfer is "facing its final phase" and that "there is no turning back." He praised the idea of managing the network from Catalonia as a way of, "not doing it better, but because managing it from proximity will allow to offer a better service."
The Rodalies parliamentary session takes place a few days after many commuters took to the streets to denounce the constant disruptions the network faces. In fact, Rodalies disruptions impacted over 10,000 people every 2.5 days.

25% of trains out of service
Territory minister Sílvia Paneque explained that a quarter of Catalonia’s Rodalies trains are currently not operational, according to the executive’s estimates.
Speaking in parliament, Paneque identified a dozen “critical points” that need improvement, such as the lack of trains available, which the administration will begin resolving by 2026 with the incorporation of 110 new trains.
Additionally, the minister pointed to the lack of maintenance and repair garages, and the insufficient capacity of the Barcelona tunnels, among other points that need improvement.
Paneque also assured that the transfer of the commuter rail service into Catalan management must translate into a "definitive boost" in services.

Political reaction
Junts per Catalunya, leading the opposition in the parliament, demanded that the authorities “get Renfe out of Catalonia."
MP Salvador Vergés criticized Illa for having “disappeared” for 25 days and Paneque for not having presented a “shock plan” to improve the rail services in the immediate term.
Esquerra Republicana, who supported the Socialists in government with agreements such as the one to transfer the ownership of Rodalies to Catalonia, warned Illa that they “will not accompany him” if he does not “demand responsibility” from Renfe for the recent disruptions and chaos.
Their MP Ester Capella called on the Socialists to stop “sowing doubts” into the deal to transfer ownership of the service to Catalonia, and called for “more and better” investments in the network.

The conservative People's Party (PP) blamed Spain's Socialist transport minister, left-wing Comuns and pro-independence Junts for the "chaos" and "deeply alarming situation" surrounding Rodalies.
MP Àngels Esteller said the debate should not focus on the transfer of powers from Madrid to Barcelona, but should emphasize the need for "effective" management. "Rodalies has been too politicized for years," she said, calling for less ideology and more planning.
Far-right Vox named the Socialists and the pro-independence parties as "responsible and complicit" for the "disaster" they say exists at Rodalies.
Parliamentary spokesperson, Joan Garriga, and MP Andrés Bello said problems were "not due to a fatality or accident," but rather because of "the disastrous management of socialism and separatism."
The party reiterated its opposition to the transfer of Rodalies control to Catalonia.
Left-wing Comuns said the commuter rail network "must be the government's first and foremost priority."
Spokesperson David Cid joked about "ghost trains" in Catalonia and expressed regret that Renfe is unaware of the location of its vehicles in the 21st century.
Cid insisted that Illa's government must make Rodalies "the sole priority" in terms of infrastructure.
Far-left pro-independence CUP criticized the management of Rodalies by Catalan territory minister Sílvia Paneque.
"We need solutions now, and Renfe should be held accountable, as they would with any other company in the country," said MP Dani Cornellà.
Far-right pro-independence Aliança Catalana said it was impossible for Catalonia to have a "sovereign and independent" railway system within Spain.
MP Rosa Maria Soberana blamed the current "chaos" on the direct result of "political submission to Spain."