Girona passes motion 'breaking ties with monarchy'
Move backed by pro-independence Guanyem Girona, Junts, and Esquerra Republicana

The city of Girona passed a motion "breaking ties with the monarchy" Thursday evening.
Put forth by pro-independence associations Ateneu 24 de juny and Casal Independentista El Forn, it describes the northern Catalonia municipality as "a republican city."
The text was backed by pro-independence parties Guanyem Girona, Junts per Catalunya, and Esquerra Republicana.
The Socialists, who typically defend the monarchy, abstained, while the conservative People's Party and far-right Vox council members voted against it.
This comes only a day after the council announced it would be removing the 112 Franco-era plaques that remain on the city's buildings.