
Footage of Spanish police violence shown in Catalan Trial at defense's request

Images of leaders calling for non-violent behavior and of Spanish police charging against voters displayed on Day 49

Footage of police at a Barcelona school on the day of the referendum shared in court on May 29
Footage of police at a Barcelona school on the day of the referendum shared in court on May 29 / ACN

ACN | Madrid

May 29, 2019 01:25 PM

Day 49 of the Catalan Trial saw the defense presenting their video evidence in court. Among their first videos were scenes in which some of the jailed leaders call for the public to behave civically while still defending the Catalan independence referendum.

One of these videos was a La Sexta TV interview with Jordi Cuixart, one of the imprisoned pro-independence activists, where he openly rejects “violence and non-democratic behavior.”

Footage of the actual day of the independence referendum was also part of Wednesday morning’s documentary evidence, with images of police violence against peaceful voters and protesters at various locations.

Unlike Day 48’s session where the prosecution was at times unable to provide background information contextualizing each of the videos they had chosen to enter into documentary evidence, on Wednesday the lawyers for the defense were able to identify when and where each of the videos had been filmed.

This is expected to be the last day of the documentary evidence phase. On Monday the prosecutors are expected to make their closing arguments, including their proposed charges for each of the 12 politicians and activists on trial. The defenses will do the same on June 10 before the defendants share their closing remarks.


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