‘En Comú Podem’ set to win in Catalonia and PP in Spain, according to exit polls
Alternative left coalition ‘En Comú Podem’ would win the Spanish Elections in Catalonia, as happened in December 2015, and would obtain between 14 and 16 representatives in the 350-seat Spanish Parliament, according to exit polls released by Catalan Television TV3 at 20.00 CET. This result would mean between two and four MPs more than in the last Election. Left-wing pro-independence ERC would come second and get between 11 and 12 MPs, in comparison to the 9 that they secured in December, followed by the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) which would obtain 7 MPs, the same figure they got in the last Spanish Elections. Liberal Convergència would get 5 MPs, three less than in December, the Conservative People’s Party (PP) would get between 4 and 5 seats, the same or even one less than in 2015, and Spanish Unionist ‘Ciutadans’ would obtain 4 MPs in the Spanish Parliament, one less than in 2015.

Barcelona (CNA).- Alternative left coalition ‘En Comú Podem’ would win the Spanish Elections in Catalonia, as happened in December 2015, and would obtain between 14 and 16 representatives in the 350-seat Spanish Parliament, according to exit polls released by Catalan Television TV3 at 20.00 CET. This result would mean between two and four MPs more than in the last Election. Left-wing pro-independence ERC would come second and add between two or three MPs to the current 9 they obtained in December. The Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) would obtain 7 MPs, their worst result ever and the same figure they got in the last Spanish Elections. Liberal Convergència would get 5 MPs, three less than in December, the Conservative People’s Party (PP) would get between 4 and 5 seats, the same or even one less than in 2015, and Spanish Unionist ‘Ciutadans’ would lose one seat and obtain 4 MPs in the Spanish Parliament.
In the whole of Spain, PP would win the Spanish Elections again but with a lower result; according to the exit polls, they could get between 117 and 121 MPs, in comparison to the 123 they obtained in December. Alternative left ‘Podemos’ could overtake the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and obtain between 91 and 95 seats in the Spanish Parliament, between 23 and 27 more than in December, while PSOE would get between 81 and 85. ‘Ciutadans’ would face a huge decline and fall from 40 to 26-30 MPs.