Ciutadans calls for investigation into alleged “political spying”
According to some media outlets, the Catalan police might have spied on some Catalan figures

The unionist Ciutadans party is to file a request in the Catalan parliament, aiming at creating a committee to investigate what the party considers to be "political spying". That's what the main leader of Ciutadans, Albert Rivera, announced on Monday, after a party meeting. This move came after some media outlets reported that the Catalan police could have spied on some Catalan politicians, as well as journalists and businessmen. According to these media sources, this information would be confirmed through the Catalan police's seized reports.
Rivera called on the Catalan Socialists, the People's Party and Catalunya en Comú-Podem to support Ciutadans' request in order to make clear whether some Catalan figures have been spied on or not. According to Rivera, the committee in Parliament is aimed at finding out who ordered the alleged monitoring of Catalan figures, as well as learning whether this can entail criminal consequences.
A fight between Socialists and Ciutadans
The Catalan Socialists and Ciutadans parties wanted to be the first to request the launching of an investigation into alleged "political spying", as both fight to head the opposition to the pro-independence bloc in Parliament. The Catalan Socialist party announced on Saturday their intention to file a request to create the committee. Yet Ciutadans seems to be willing to be first to do so this time round.