Catalan socialist manifesto proposes federal reform
PSC party aims to “reconcile” Catalans with offer of constitutional change in campaign programme for December 21 election

The PSC Catalan socialists on Monday became the first party to present a manifesto for the December 21 election. A key measure proposed by the party is a new system of financing for Catalonia in the form of a “federal fiscal pact”. The party argues that a new federal system would increase funding for areas over which the Catalan government has authority. The party manifesto also proposes federal constitutional reform, albeit without any deadline.
With PSC leader Miquel Iceta heading the party ticket, under the campaign slogan 'Solucions! Ara, Iceta!' (Solutions! Iceta now!), the party’s reform proposals would mean all Spanish citizens voting for a new constitution, with the Catalans then voting on a new, federal, statute of autonomy. The manifesto also includes a proposed stability agreement to encourage the return of firms that recently transferred their head offices outside Catalonia.
With a lot of emphasis place on social measures, the Catalan socialists are hoping their manifesto can help to “reconcile” Catalans, as well as restoring the relationship with the state and Europe. According to campaign spokeswoman, Eva Granados, the PSC manifesto hopes to help recover “the ideal of social, localist, feminist and Europeanist Catalanism.”