PODCAST: What makes us human? Catalonia's role in biggest ever primate genome study
Filling the Sink takes a tour of the National Center for Genomic Analysis in Barcelona

A recently published investigation into primate genomes sheds new light on features of primate evolution, human disease and biodiversity conservation. Press play below to listen or subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify.
Filling the Sink chats to some of the researchers in Catalonia that played their part in this groundbreaking international study: Tomàs Marquès-Bonet from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology at Pompeu Fabra University, and Ivo Gut, director of CNAG, the National Center for Genomic Analysis.
This week's Catalan phrase is 'fer el mico.' Literally, 'to do the monkey,' it means to act silly, horse around, monkey around.
Presented by Lorcan Doherty with Cristina Tomàs White, Kate Naessens and Guifré Jordan.
Get in touch with the podcast team: fillingthesink@acn.cat
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