PODCAST: Hot plates, haute cuisine - Growing a more sustainable culinary world
Some Michelin-starred restaurants focus on local products and old customs

Catalonia has the most Michelin stars in all of Spain - with a whopping 70 in all. The last three stars were added just this week, at a gala held in Barcelona to announce the restaurants that would be included in the 2024 Michelin Guide to Spain. One of them is a Barcelona joint, Disfrutar, that was given its third star – the highest achievement in the guide’s ranking.
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But the Catalan winners don't stop there: Barcelona restaurants Suto and Quirat were given their very first Michelin stars.
In this episode, we’ll talk about Catalonia’s world-renowned cuisine and visit a restaurant in Igualada, Somiatruites, that has a Green Michelin star for its focus on sustainability.
The Catalan phrase of the week is: "Descobrir la sopa d’all," which translates literally to "Discover garlic soup," and is used when someone claims to do something new but is actually recycling an old idea.
Presented by Lucía Benavides with Lorcan Doherty.
Get in touch with the podcast team: fillingthesink@acn.cat
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