PODCAST: From neither here nor there - what's it like to integrate in Catalonia?
Migrants’ experiences depend on various factors, including their socioeconomic backgrounds

There are around 1.6 million foreign-born residents in Catalonia, almost 400,000 of whom live in Barcelona. They come from all over the world: Pakistan, China, Venezuela, Senegal, Romania. But the stats don’t tell us the full story.
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Why did they come here? Are they adapting to life in Catalonia? Do they feel at home or completely out of place?
In this episode, we’ll hear from a number of migrants who spoke to us at the Barcelona International Community Day and talk to professor Marina Ruiz Tada, who teaches cross-cultural management at the University of Ramon Llull La Salle.
The Catalan phrase of the week is "A la tardor, ni fred ni calor," which translates literally to "In autumn, it's neither cold nor hot."
Presented by Lucía Benavides with Gerard Escaich Folch and Cillian Shields.
Get in touch with the podcast team: fillingthesink@acn.cat.
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