Rain and wind accompany Three Wise Men's arrival
Parades canceled in some towns due to weather conditions

It is the most magical night of the year in Catalonia, January 5, when the Three Wise Men arrive ahead of delivering presents to little ones.
But this year, it rained on the Three Kings' parade in many Catalan towns, with councils forced to cancel some events and move others indoors.
The Kings came from the East and arrived in Barcelona by sea, with flares lighting up the grey skies on Friday.
The mayor of Barcelona, Jaume Collboni, handed over the keys to the city to the Three Wise Men, so they could deliver presents overnight.
The parade in the Catalan capital went ahead despite the rain, with thousands on the streets as Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar and their entourages made their way from Ciutadella Park to Reina Maria Cristina Avenue at the foot of Montjuïc.
Indoor events
In some Catalan towns, the rain forced the traditional parades to be canceled, moving events indoors.
In Cabrils, Maresme county, north of Barcelona, children delivered their letters to the Three Wise Men in the municipal pavilion, while in El Masnou, also in Maresme, letters were delivered in the town's sports complex.
Moià (Moianès county), Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana (Vallès Oriental), Seva (Osona), Dosrius (Maresme), Tàrrega (Urgell) and Avià (Berguedà) also held their celebrations indoors.
In Barberà del Vallès (Vallès Occidental), the parade went ahead with a shorter route than usual.