Bakeries hope to sell more than 2m 'coques' for Sant Joan

Pastry chefs innovate with lemon pie, matcha tea and truffle fillings

Sant Joan 'coques'
Sant Joan 'coques' / Albert Hernàndez
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

June 23, 2024 12:38 PM

June 23, 2024 12:39 PM

Bakeries in Catalonia are expecting to sell more than 2 million 'coques' during Sant Joan. 

Sales of these traditional cakes enjoyed during this midsummer festival are expected to increase by 5% compared to last year, with prices ranging between €18 and €22

The three-day weekend provides more opportunities to gather with friends and family to celebrate Sant Joan, leading to increased sales. 

"There will be three intense days of cakes," said Antoni Bellart, president of the bakers' guild.


While the tradition of feasting on these brioche-like sweet flatbreads remains strong, shoppers' habits are changing. 

"Thirty years ago, people would buy a large traditional 'coca'. Now they like to try different things," Bellart said. 

This year, pastry chefs have created new versions of the traditional 'coca,' including flavors such as lemon pie, matcha tea, and fillings such as truffle or raspberry jam.  

Bellart noted that instead of buying a single large coca, customers are buying a few smaller ones with different flavors. The best-selling item, however, remains the traditional candied fruit 'coca'.

Fireworks and bonfires 

The Sant Joan festivities, marking the feast day of Saint John the Baptist, are not just about these delicious desserts.  

On June 23, the revetlla de Sant Joan is a night of bonfires, fireworks, music and communal dinners, celebrating the summer solstice.

And while astronomers may point out it is technically a couple of days late, with the party falling on a Friday night, not many in Catalonia will care! 

To learn more about this magical night, listen to this episode of our podcast Filling the Sink. 


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