Security, housing and tourism, the main concerns for Barcelona residents 

Migration enters top five for first time in 15 years, while cleanliness drops significantly 

Tourists admire the view of Barcelona from Montjuïc
Tourists admire the view of Barcelona from Montjuïc / Blanca Blay
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

July 24, 2024 09:10 AM

October 8, 2024 05:17 PM

Security continues to be the main concern for Barcelona residents, with 27% citing it in an annual survey conducted by the city council.  

Access to housing and tourism remain the second and third most common concerns, both showing a significant increase since last year's survey.  

Cleanliness, the fourth concern, has seen a decline in recent years, from 15% in 2022 to 5% now.  

For the first time in the last 15 years, migration has entered the top five concerns of Barcelona residents. 

In addition, 55% of Barcelona residents think that the city has deteriorated in the past year, a number that has maintained stable in the past two surveys. However, 48.2% of the people surveyed believe that the Catalan capital will improve.  

When it comes to the city council's management, 47% of residents think it is good and 36.8% think it is bad. These numbers are the opposite when it comes to the opinion people have of the Catalan and Spanish government.  

The survey also shows that Barcelona's mayor Collboni's rating has slightly decreased on the second poll done since he became mayor.  

However, Collboni's mark is higher than any rating obtained by the previous mayor Ada Colau since November 2020. 

Of the current municipal politicians of Barcelona, the highest ranked one is Xavier Trias with a 5.1 average mark, followed by Jaume Collboni (4.9), Elisenda Alamany (4.7), Ada Colau (4.4), Daniel Sirera (2.9), and Gonzalo de Oro Pulido (1.9).  

Less than a month away of the America's Cup, Barcelona residents are mainly in favor (77.5%, while 22.5% are against).