PODCAST: All you need is water – Catalonia confronts historic drought
Barcelona residents could soon face water restrictions at home

Catalonia is experiencing the worst drought on record, with reservoirs as low as 18 percent and local governments preparing for drastic measures – such as shipping in fresh water. And this is due, in large part, to climate change.
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For years, the territory has been getting hotter and drier weather, leading to drained reservoirs, wildfires and lost harvests. In this episode, we’ll talk to the environmental organization Ecologistes en Acció (Environmentalists for Action) about what more should be done at a governmental level and to the Catalan Farmer’s Union on how the agriculture industry is affected.
The Catalan phrase of the week is: "El peix que es mossega la cua," which translates literally to "The fish that bites its own tail," and is used when talking about a vicious cycle.
Presented by Lucía Benavides with Lea Beliaeva and Oriol Escudé.
Get in touch with the podcast team: fillingthesink@acn.cat.
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