PODCAST: Carnival time! – food (and food fights), parades and parties
Filling the Sink travels to two coastal towns famous for their carnival shenanigans – Vilanova i la Geltrú and Sitges

Carnival is a big deal in Catalonia – a hedonistic week of music, dance, dressing up, copious amounts of food and general revelry before Lent. Press play below to listen or subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify.
Filling the Sink travels to two coastal towns famous for their carnival shenanigans – Vilanova i la Geltrú and Sitges. Expect food fights and raucous parades!
Lorcan Doherty gets the lowdown from Catalan News’ very own Carnival King and Queen, Gerard Escaich Folch and Cristina Tomàs White. This week's Catalan phrase is 'Per carnaval tot s'hi val'– For carnival, anything goes!
Get in touch with the podcast team: fillingthesink@acn.cat
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