World Dance Day offers cry of hope to the world with lockdown performance
Artists around the world perform complex choreography from home

Celebrating World Dance Day 2020 on April 29, Catalan dancer and choreographer Maria Rovira and the group Doctor Prats have paid tribute to the art form with a cry of hope for these desperate times.
The song 'Everything will be fine in the end' (in Catalan: ‘Al final tot anirà bé’) provides the soundtrack to a complex choreography staged by various dancers in lockdown around the world.
Among the participating artists is David Yudes, the only Catalan professional to become a soloist at the Royal Ballet in London and who has received several international awards.
In addition, there are also dancers from the Béjart Ballet Lausanne, the Contemporary Ballet of the Teatre San Martín, the company Acosta Dansa, the Norwegian Opera & Ballet, and the group It Dansa.
In the video, professionals from the world of dance perform a complex choreography from their living rooms, balconies or bedrooms.
Artists use bodily expressions to portray the current situation of confinement across the planet, and the impact that this situation is having on culture and dance.