Upcoming exhibit on food and Picasso entices visitors
There will be more exhibitions still at the Picasso Museum in 2018, including one analyzing Picasso’s time spent in Paris

Here in Catalonia, and as with many Mediterranean countries, food plays an integral part in life. And to celebrate this, the Picasso Museum in Barcelona is putting on a new exhibit that shows just how much what one dines on can not only influence a life lived, but also the creative process itself.
Food and art aren’t necessarily as different as one may think: in fact, this part of the world is also known for a very unique, very beautiful, and very artistic type of food. That would be the edible experience of molecular gastronomy, and in which field perhaps none has become renowned than Catalan chef in Ferran Adriá.It’s only fitting, then, that in May, museum-goers will be able to enjoy Adrià’s innovative perspective on one of the most iconic artists with strong Catalan ties: Malaga-born, but long-time Catalonia resident - Pablo Picasso.
Food and the creative process
The exhibit is called ‘La cuina de Picasso,’ which in English translates as a clever play on words of both ‘Picasso’s kitchen’ and ‘Picasso’s cuisine.’ The collection’s objective is to provide a new perspective on the renowned painter through one of the defining elements of his life in Catalonia, the food he ate, and even worked with, every day. The artist’s gastronomic universe will indeed be retraced through the restaurants he ate at, as well as the utensils and ingredients featuring many of his still lives, showing what they meant for his creative process.
Those who want to get an even more modern perspective on what we’ve come to learn about the magic of food will be able to hear Adrià speak on the matter. The multiple-time winner of the Best Restaurant in the world recognition (for his establishment ElBulli) is to discuss the similarities between Picasso’s genius and contemporary culinary creation. Keep an eye out for this date – meanwhile, the exhibit will be open from May 25 to September 30.
‘Picasso discovers Paris’ also coming up
And that’s not the only new Picasso proposition to enjoy this year. Francophiles, for example, will have the international-facing ‘Picasso discovers Paris’ exhibit, starting September 18 until January 6, 2019. In it, there will be art from the Musee d’Orsay and the National Picasso Museum of Paris, with names like Delacroix, Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas, Cezanne and Gaugin, and of course, Picasso himself.