More than 50 Catalan films presenting at 28th edition of Malaga Film Festival

Ten of the 22 feature films are from Catalonia, including Berlinale recipient 'Deaf'

An image from the film 'Sorda'
An image from the film 'Sorda' / Courtesy of Distinto Films

ACN | @agenciaacn | Barcelona

March 15, 2025 12:33 PM

March 15, 2025 12:38 PM

The 28th edition of the Malaga Film Festival kicked off on Friday in southern Spain, and this year, 57 Catalan productions will be presented, including features, short films, fiction, documentaries, and animation.

Of the 22 feature films in the festival’s official selection, ten are Catalan productions, including Eva Libertad’s ‘Deaf’ (‘Sorda’), which recently won two awards at the Berlin Film Festival.

‘Deaf’ is about a deaf woman, Ángela, who has a child with her hearing partner, Héctor. The birth of their child throws the couple into a crisis, and Ángela is faced with raising a daughter in a world that isn’t made for her.

Libertad is not the only female director from Catalonia, who is presenting her latest film. Gemma Blasco is also presenting ‘La furia’, a feature film about a young actress who is the victim of a sexual assault and seeks comfort from her brother, who is consumed by rage.

‘Los Tortuga’ is the latest film presented by Belén Funes, produced in Spain and Chile. The film is about different ways of dealing with grief.

Another Catalan film that will be presented during the festival, although not in competition, is Maria Ripoll’s ‘También esto pasará.'

As for documentaries, four Catalan productions will be screened in Malaga: ‘Miralles’, by Maria Mauti; ‘On eres quan hi eres?’, by Jana Montllor; Josep T. París’ ‘Sunu Gaal (El nostre cayuco)’, and ‘The Sleeper. El Caravaggio perdido’, by Álvaro Longoria.

In the ZonaZine section, feature films such as ‘Esmorza amb mi’, by Ivan Morales;  and the Espuernes Collective and Àlex Serra, Mireia Labazuy i Clàudia Vila’s ‘Dies d’estiu i de pluja’, and ‘L’impuls nòmada’ by Jordi Esteva will be screened.

18 Catalan short film productions have been selected, one of which is ‘El otro’, directed by and starring Eduard Fernández.

The last day of the festival is March 23.

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