Google Doodle honours Catalan operatic soprano Montserrat Caballé
Image draws flood of memes as users criticize content and quality of homage

April 12 would have been Montserrat Caballé’s 89th birthday, and Google has honoured the Catalan operatic soprano in today’s Doodle.
Google Doodles are temporary alterations to the popular search engine’s logo which pay homage to a particular person, group, or event, for various reasons.
However, the homage has not been universally well-received, as many people criticized the content and quality of the Doodle.
One said that Caballé "deserves a better tribute" than Google's offering, deemed to be the "worst and ugliest" Doodle ever posted by the tech company.
Others criticized the lack of resemblance of the operatic singer, comparing her to flamenco singer Falete, while Caballé's outfit in the Doodle featured many trademarks of traditional flamenco wear.
Worst and ugliest doodle ever posted by @google ...
— Gusiluz (@Gusiluz2013) April 12, 2022
Motserrat Caballe deserves a better tribute for sure...
Heu vist el #Doodle d'avui? Suposo que tenien al il.lustrador oficial de vacances i el becari no sabia qui era la Montserrat Caballé... @etfelicitofill #etfelicitofill
— Monti 🇺🇦🕊 (@MontiBcn) April 12, 2022
Es que no es Montserrat Caballé. El Doodle de hoy es un homenaje al Ghouls 'n Ghosts.
— El Ninja De Las Galletas (@Chinobi_Ninja) April 12, 2022
Madre mía @GoogleES no sabe uno si es Carmen de Mairena, Falete o el diputado Alberto Casero votando de nuevo la reforma laboral....#BuenosDias #MontserratCaballé
— H Mac (@alfredlanda) April 12, 2022
Hoy hubiese cumplido 89 años. El desafortunado Doodle, de Google, dedicado a la soprano catalana Montserrat Caballe, con abanico andaluz, hombreras de flores, vestido de faralaes y el despropósito de un rostro mascunilizado sin ningún parecido y más propio de un Falete desairado.
— el modulor (@LCL36167117) April 12, 2022
Google homenajea a Montserrat Caballé y a la Feria de Abril. Ole.
— Riscal (@Riscal0) April 12, 2022
Pot ser que estiguem al davant del pitjor doodle de Google de la història?!
— Cat_Gat ||*||💚 (@Cat_Gat) April 12, 2022
Life and work of Montserrat Caballé
Today’s animated theme is the famous Catalan singer who took to the stage in the world's top opera houses in a career that spanned six decades, beginning in 1955 with performances in Reus, Figueres, and Valencia of 'La Serva Padrona' where she interpreted Serpina.
Caballé was born on April 12, 1933, and started her musical career early at the Liceu Conservatory in Barcelona, which she then had to leave due to her father's poor health.
Still, she continued her studies, and in the early 1950s she met influential soprano singers who would greatly influence her professional life such as Eugenia Kemmeny, Conxita Badia and Napoleone Annovazzi.
Caballé's big break at Liceu came about in 1962 when she played Richard Strauss' 'Arabella.' This is also when she passed by the Vienna and Bremen with her rendition of Donna Elvira in 'Don Giovanni.'
Her rise to stardom was consolidated in 1965 when she was already internationally renowned at Carnegie Hall in New York, when she substituted Marilyn Horn in 'Lucrezia Borgia' of Gaetano Donizetti – a composer whose work Caballé would interpret a large span of, along with others by Giuseppe Verdi.
Also in the mid-'60s Caballé would debut at the Metropolitan Opera, while in the '70s she would cross the Atlantic for her first performance at La Scala in Milan and then at the Convent Garden in London.
Throughout her career, Caballé received many awards and distinctions, including the Golden Medal from the Liceu theater (1996), the Golden Medal from the Catalan government (1982), the Princess of Asturias Awards (1991). In the early 2000s, after some time away from the stage for health issues, she was also the recipient of Catalonia's National Music Prize.
She passed away in 2018 after spending a short period in hospital with bladder complications.
Work with Freddie Mercury
What Caballé is perhaps most known for outside of the operatic world is her performance with Queen frontman Freddie Mercury for the song 'Barcelona,' which went on to become the anthem of the 1992 Olympic Games, held in the Catalan capital.
The two, who had a close relationship and had even worked on an album together, were however unable to perform the song together at the sports event, however, due to Mercury's untimely death.
The British singer was passionate about opera and had spoken publicly of his admiration for the soprano singer Caballé before the pair had ever met. Eventually, a meeting was set up where they played music and swapped ideas, and a close connection was instantly established.
It didn’t take long for the English star to compose a song for them both to perform together in honour of the city where Caballé was born and raised. Mercury stated in interviews that to perform alongside Caballé was “a dream come true.”
The song was officially presented as the Olympic anthem in a concert at the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc in October 1988. The event was put on to celebrate the arrival of the Olympic flag from Seoul.
In fact, the musical score accompanying the light show that the Magic Fountain normally performs includes a part of the song ‘Barcelona’ in it.
Sadly, though, this was also to be the site of Freddie Mercury’s last ever public performance, as he stopped touring and playing concerts in the final few years before his death.