Festivals in southern Terres de l'Ebre counties form new group to increase visibility
Tired of not being considered for financial aid, shows welcoming 200,000 attendees come together

Music festivals, promoters, and other members of the industry in the four counties that make up the Terres de l'Ebre region in southern Catalonia have created a united brand to "increase the visibility" of their projects. They new group says they are tired of not being considered for financial aid and support, despite good attendences and a significant economic impact in the region.
The 'Festivals Terres de l'Ebre' group comprises around 30 shows across four counties that welcome around 200,000 attendees yearly, and have an economic impact of €2 million, as well as employ many young adults.
The group will be part of the TresC culture club and will also have a website.
So far, there are 15 music festivals signed up to the Terres de l'Ebre brand: A Cel Obert, Artèria Tortosa, DeltaChamber Music Festival, Deltebre Dansa, EbreLumen, Eufònic Festival audiovisual festival, FRONT peace and conflict international cinema festival, In-FCTA, Ermita de la Pietat musical days, Les Nits de Tyrika, Músiques en Terres de Cruïlla, Proto-FEST, Rihihiu, Terres Travel Festival, and TOCA'M.
This is the first private initiative in Spain that unites a whole industry, in this case, the cultural sector, and territory, in this case, the counties in Terres de l'Ebre.
The goal is to "contribute to developing a local community through promoting and professionalizing art, culture, and creativity," the group said during this week's presentation.